Uffington Heritage Watch © 2014-16

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Community Land Trusts – an answer to the housing crisis?

 “Community Land Trust in a Nutshell” watch the video: https://vimeo.com/42406777   Download PDF

"Being part of a community matters”

“Despite technological advances, globalisation and enormous changes to the ways we live and work, there is inherent value to us as individuals and groups when we are able to grow up in an area, become part of a community and then contribute to that community’s future growth and success. This is wrapped up in our sense of identity and belonging, and for some, a desire to give back to the community which has contributed so much to their own lives. Without affordable housing options for young households this will be lost, and once gone, will be hard to replace." - Nick Yandle (Finance Policy Officer at the National Housing Federation, June 2016) on www.housing.org.uk blog

The Confederation of Co-operative Housing:  http://cch.coop/

National Community Land Trust Network: http://www.communitylandtrusts.org.uk/


To be sustainable, housing needs to enhance the landscape, be in keeping with the character of its setting- rural or urban - and contribute to all residents’ sense of identity and well-being.

Housing must also be affordable in order for a community to be sustained.

UHW promote co-operative housing associations and the formation of community land trusts to provide housing that sustains our communities.